Refund policy
Cancellation/Refund Policy
- An online order placed with us on & confirmed cannot be cancelled.
- No refund /replacement or return policy for all.
- We try our best to deliver what you order with us, in case of wrong / faulty/ damaged product is delivered to you, you are required to report within 24 hours.
- In case of any new special offers/promotions, their terms will be applied as mentioned for the promo. Such offer/s will not be necessarily valid for all periods of a year. There may be periods, particularly during the seasons, for which the offers will no longer be valid.
- Ordered products’ temperature must be maintained at minus (-) 18°C
- Delivery: Our Delivery Team Member will give you a call before arriving at your given Delivery Address within the shared timeslot. In case of your unavailability at the location, you are required to inform the delivery team member.
- In case of any queries, concerns, or feedback, please write to our team at
- In case of order related communication, please drop our team a message on WhatsApp: +91 89563 14801